Monday, January 30, 2012

Feminist Theory at the SAG Awards

    Strangely enough, two of the speeches from last night’s Screen Actor Guild’s Award Show encompassed several of the issues we have covered in our readings. Dick Van Dyke, while presenting a lifetime achievement award to Mary Taylor Moore, “praised” Moore for being ''… one of the few performers — women — who can do a flat-out comedy scene and still be beautiful and feminine and adorable'' (Entertainment Weekly). There is no question that Van Dyke was heartfelt in his admiration for Moore but instead of honoring her for her acting achievement he places her in category defined more by her sex, looks and femininity instead of talent.

    When Viola Davis accepted the Best Cast award for The Help she said ''The stain of racism and sexism, it's not just for people of color or women — it's all of our burden, all of us can inspire change'' (Entertainment Weekly).  When hearing her statement you can almost believe that she has read bell hooks' essay from our text. I would hope that prior to taking this women’s studies course I would have noted these two statements but I am sure that as I continue my studies over the semester I will be able to hear the subtext of oppression in every day speech.

These quotes were taken from Entertainment Weekly’s Website, January 30, 2012.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Intersecting Axes of Privilege, Domination, and Oppression

I found the “Intersecting Axes of Privilege, Domination, and Oppression” enlightening (44). In particular I found the issues surrounding ageism, lookism, sizeism and ableism interesting, especially for a woman. Most of these issues for a woman will actually push her further down the scale. As a man ages, his wrinkles are a sign of wisdom, he becomes craggy and stately not wrinkly and fat. If one uses a cane it can be seen as sophisticated for a man (think walking stick) but as a sign of weakness for a woman. More often for women these natural changes became viewed as a handicap whereas in a man they are viewed as passing into an elder statesmen era which is often viewed with additional (but not necessarily earned) respect. I have noticed since I have become older and heavier, differing from the aspired to norm, and perceived as less attractive because of age and sizeism, people will react differently to me than before. It’s so subtle that it’s even hard to give an example but it’s mostly in little things like the smaller attention span a stranger gives you, or an exasperated look you get if you don’t get what a person is saying right away or if you move too slowly. Of course, maybe I am just suffering from reverse ageism.


Monday, January 23, 2012

WDVE Billboard

There was such a public outcry when this billboard came out ten years ago that it wasn’t hard to find this image in the Post-Gazette archives. Of course there's not much that needs to be said about the image since the not very subtle billboard speaks for itself. When confronted about the image it was no surprise the WDVE brass attempted to justify the image by saying it was no more explicit than a Cosmo cover, while stressing that the image was marketed  to the radio station's mainly male target audience. But what did surprise me was an article written by a female Post-Gazette staffer protesting (sort of) the billboards. In her story she manages to use the words, “wettest dreams,” as well as “ejaculation” and ends the article by saying “what boobs we are.” Finally she gets to her real complaint; the proliferation of billboards in and around Pittsburgh. When referring to the content of the 'DVE billboards she actually states “This is a problem we wouldn't have if we didn't have so damn many billboards.”  It was such a missed opportunity for the writer to make a serious statement about the exploitation of women’s bodies but instead she resorted to cheap, sexist double entendres and innuendos which just weakened her credibility on either issue.

Lowry, Patricia. “Places: Radio Billboards Send a Strong Signal About Women.”Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 24 Apr 2002. Web 23 Jan 2012.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Meet Me at the Beauty Parlor For Some Girlie Time

After years of marketing Legos to boys (think firefighters and adventurers), the company has recently developed a new line just for girls. This new line includes a cafĂ©, a beauty shop, a horse academy and a veterinarian clinic and is introducing six new colors, all in Easter egg hues. If this isn’t enough, the sets also include accessories such as lipsticks, hair dryers, bows and a mirror. And let’s not forget the Lego “money brick” that fits in the purse to pay for the frills at the salon. Even the building bricks are bigger and easier to construct into the shops than the “boy’s” sets. The message is clear; little boys can build towns, explore space and save the world while little girls can play with their hair and put on makeup. Gender stereotyping sets a dangerous precedence for kids. It limits growth and understanding at a very young age in children which will limit them as they grow older. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Husbandly Manipulation

On Wednesday I didn’t get home from my last class until 9:20pm after arriving on campus at 10am. It was a long day with classes both at Pitt and Chatham, torrential downpours and parking issues in Oakland. All I wanted was a glass of wine when I got home but I had chapters to read for two classes and a test in another. Thursday looked to be another long day with classes, workshops and a required movie keeping me on campus until nearly eight. I’m really not complaining, I know time and study issues are every student's lament, but I was exhausted. My husband Larry said “Let’s go up to Mexi-Casa for dinner tomorrow when you get home.” It sounded like a great idea, especially since I didn’t have class on Friday. Larry is very supportive of my return to school, he’s even postponed his own retirement until I graduate. He does the dishes whenever I cook and he always cleans the bathrooms. He really could wear a “This is what a feminist looks like!” t-shirt. But somehow he slipped on Wednesday and came very close to dragging me down with him.